Monday 23 February 2015

Clementine Candle

The other day a reader sent us a special request to test out a pin.  A pin that's been floating around Pinterest for years and re-pinned A LOT! The Clementine candle Pin.  I remembered trying this pin when I first started a Pinterest account and it was a total fail.  It was actually in my Pinterest fails board when I checked. So I clicked the link and watched the tutorial to find out that when I had done it the first time I hadn't watched the tutorial.  In fact I don't think I even clicked the link. So I was ready to try again in hopes of a success story.

I cut around the clementine (not all the way through just through the skin), then I carefully put my finger in and pulled the skin away from the flesh. I thought this would be the hard part, it wasn't.

 The hard part was getting what would end up being your wick out. It's that long piece of white pith that runs up the middle of the orange.  I kept getting both "bowls" off but no wick. This time I gently rolled the orange  and squeezed it and the wick came out  (I don't know if this helped or if my orange was just more ripe).

You then put olive oil in your bowl end with the wick, I made sure to drip a few drops of oil on my wick. Let it sit a few minutes so the wick soaks up the oil.

 In the meantime cut a design or just a hole in the top end of your clementine. Then lite, place lid on and enjoy.

 SO it worked! I was pretty surprised, I was thinking this was going to be a fail again. But it worked and was really pretty.

Only one catch, it doesn't smell pretty.  I know what you're thinking, nice warm orange smell, what's not to love.  It smells burnt, nothing like you think it will.  Mine burned for 30 minutes with the lid on, then I couldn't take the smell anymore.  I let it burn a bit more with the lid off for a total of 1 hour. I would say you need to try this at least once.  Be prepared to eat a lot of oranges and to not enjoy the smell.


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