Tuesday 17 February 2015

About Us

Hello Everyone!  We are Tessa and Sam.  We started this blog because we love Pinterest!  It has everything we love all in one place; recipes, crafts, art projects, money saving tips, hacks, you get the point.  We thought we should tell you a little bit about ourselves.  We've been friends for several years, meeting through family friends.  We found out that we were both pregnant and were due close to the same time. We ended up giving birth to our little boys just a few hours apart!  Both of us discovered Pinterest during those early months of sleepless nights and unending hours of nursing.  

There are two different types of Pinners out there.  There's the Pinner who has thousands of Pins and yet never tries anything.  The one who says "wow, what a great idea, recipe, craft project, time saver, life hack" but forgets about it as soon as the computer turns off.  Then there is the Die Hard Pinner who starts almost every sentence with "I've seen this idea/recipe/craft on Pinterest."  They adventurously try exotic recipes and bravely attempt DIY projects. 

We are the latter, the die hards! But we have discovered two things on our Pinning journey.  The first is that there are so many great recipes, crafts and time/money saving Pins out there. The second is that there are a few Pins out there that just don't cut it and are a waste of time and money.  We started this blog to help you sift thought the endless Pins you look through everyday.  To lessen your frustration. We will share with you our successes and failures. We will tell you what pins you've gotta try and which ones to pass over and hopefully have a little bit of fun along the way too! 

Thank you for visiting our blog! We would like to hear from you.  If you have tried the same Pins or others like it, leave us a comment and tell us how your Pins turned out.  If you would like us to try a Pin, send us a comment in the 'Contact Us' section on the Home Page. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I didn't realize your boys were only a few hours apart!! That's such a great story!
