Monday 16 March 2015

In A Hurry Cinnamon Buns

You've probably seen this Pin for 8 Minute Cinnamon rolls at one point or another.  I probably shouldn't have made them considering I was in a real munchie mood when I did.  The chances of me eating them all on my own were pretty high. But of course I went ahead and made them anyway.  Here's how it went.

You'll need these ingredients, plus butter for your muffin pan.  


Go ahead and open up your Pilsbury Crescent Rolls.  Try to get the dough out in one piece.  It will make it easier to roll out.  Now the recipe says to do this in 2 batches.  I apparently didn't read this properly (detecting a trend here) and rolled it out in one.  Hey if anything it saved me some time.  I recommend dusting your work surface with a little icing sugar to prevent sticking.  Roll out your dough just slightly, and pinch all the seams tightly.  You don't want those seams coming apart when you go to roll out your buns. 

It's totally up to you but I opted not to brush my dough with butter.  This dough is full of butter anyways and honestly in the end, it was still decadent and delicious.  Sprinkle the dough with as much cinnamon and brown sugar as your heart desires.  Can you tell which side I did, and which side my little guy did?

Roll up your dough.  Now here's where my lack of reading the recipe got me in trouble.  Because she did half the dough at a time, she cut each half into 8 buns. So I was thinking wow these are going to be big!  I went with it anyways, but I cut one of my 8 buns in half to see what the difference in size and cooking would be. So in the end I got 9 cinnamon buns.

A serrated knife works well for cutting the dough.

Butter your muffin tin will so they don't get stuck with all that brown sugar.  Bake for 8-10 minutes at 375°F.

A note on the icing from this recipe.  The recipe calls for 1 teaspoon maple syrup, 3/4 cup of icing sugar and 1 tablespoon milk.  I had to add an extra tablespoon of milk, there was no way the icing would be drizzle-able with only 1 tablespoon.  I also added a bit of vanilla. 

I am never going to admit whether or not I ate them all!

I definitely recommend this recipe.  The crescent rolls are a great short cut.  I plan to keep a can in the fridge to make these the next time I have last minute guests.

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