This past weekend I had a special visitor. My mom came down for the long weekend. I needed a babysitter for Saturday so she decided to stay up for a couple nights. My Ma lives 90 minutes away. I know it's not that far. But when your mom is your best friend, anything further than walking distance is hard! We spent all of Sunday together and we had the most lazy, relaxing day. Days like this call for Crockpot meals! I have had this recipe for Teriyaki Chicken kicking around my Pinterest for a few weeks now and I've been dying to try it. Finally boneless skinless chicken breast went on sale so I picked some up Friday so we could give it a go.
Here's what you need.
I made three changes to the recipe. First, I didn't have Cider Vinegar on hand. The recipe calls for 3 tablespoons. My substitute, 2 tablespoons White Wine Vinegar + 1 tablespoon Apple Juice. Second, the recipe calls for 1 clove of garlic. I refuse to follow any recipe that calls for only 1 clove of garlic on the grounds of principle. I added 2. Third, I reduced the amount of sugar in the recipe from 1/2 cup to 1/4 cup.
The recipe was very easy to put together. All you do is mix the ingredients and pour over the chicken. Personally I think you might as well mix all your ingredients in the crockpot and then put your chicken on top and stir it around. Why make more dishes?? According to the recipe you are to cook this on low for 4-5 hours. I must absolutely express here the importance of getting to know your crockpot! Mine gets really hot! In fact, the 'keep warm' setting actually boils any liquid in the pot! My chicken was perfectly cooked after only 3 hours on low!
Next step is to remove and dice the chicken. Strain the liquid into a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Then you have to add a slurry of cornstarch and water (2 teaspoons of each) and let boil until thickened. This only took me about 30 seconds.
Toss the chicken in the thickened sauce and you're all set! We served our chicken with rice and broccoli.
This was delicious! The chicken was tender and juicy and the sauce had just the right balance of flavors. Give this one a try. It's worth a Pin!
Here's a printable recipe for you!
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