I had seen this
Pin for Elmer's Glue on canvas a million times and thought to myself "hey this looks like a super easy fun project." So I thought I would give it a go!
I had my canvas, I had my glue.
I decided to do it free hand and it didn't take me long to get into a groove. I love projects where you can let your artistic inner self out! I thought it looked great, so I left it to dry overnight and hoped for the best!
The next morning, I come downstairs for my morning coffee and take a peek at my beautiful piece of art only to find that it was beautiful no more!
The glue dried flat on my canvas! What a fail! Right away I clicked on the link for the pin to see what I had done wrong only to find that this was not Elmer's Glue on canvas at all. It was actually Puffy Paint on wax paper, then glued onto Canvas! Definitely not the easy project it first seemed.
I decided not to give up on this project and decided to paint over it anyway with some grey pearlescent paint just to see what kind of result I would get. Here is what it looked like.
Not a total fail, but not at all the result I was hoping for. That's why I would suggest you take a pass on this Pin.

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